There has been a theme in this week's Year of Do activities if you haven't already picked up on it, initiating with friends. It's really easy for me to have an "out of sigh, out of mind," mindset with friends. It's easy to keep up with friends you see every week, the ones you work with and see at church. It's harder to set aside time for phone dates and road trips. But the friends in my life who know me the best, the ones I call when life goes a little crazy (like a few nights ago when a racoon walking in front of my car in my neigborhood and I was overcome with excitement/nausiousnes), are the one's who have been around for multiple stages of my life, the one's I've made commitments to call and visit on a regular basis. Thus, this year, being the year of doing and not just wishing, I want to passionately persue my friends, both near and far.
And this weekend was a huge, and rediculously fun, step in that direction. I traveled back to my previous home, Charlotte, NC, for a wedding of a dear friend and former roommate/co-worker. The wedding was beautiful, and such a sweet reminder of the Lord's tangible belssings for my friend. We cried, we laughed, we ate, we danced, and then we danced some more.
Goodness...I love these people. And there were probable thirty others I got to see this past weekend that aren't pictured here.
Here's to many more fun weekends with old and new friends in the Year of Do!
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