Saturday, February 2, 2013

Beep Beep...I Drove A Jeep!

There were probably only a few things my sixteen year old self desperately wanted when I "grew up."  I figured, if I became a veterinarian, competed in a world championship water skiing tournament, and drove a Jeep Wrangler, I would consider my life a success. 

Eleven years later and I faint at the sight of blood and needles (so long veterinary school) and I haven't water skied in four years.  Actually, I'm not even 100% sure I could still water ski.  Not that I consider my life a failure, it's just that my definition of success has changed quite a bit since the days of AP Environmental Science, track practice, and NSYNC.  I have been able to work in my dream job, traveled around the world, and explored and loved the towns I have lived in.  All in all, I consider my life pretty well lived thus far. 

But, there is still one thing my sixteen year old self would die to be able to do, and this being the Year of Do, I had to at least attempt it...right?  So when a good friend informed me he had bought a four-door Jeep Wrangler, I jumped on the opportunity.  And because I have some of the best friends in the entire world (it's ok to be a little bit jealous), he not only agreed to let me try my hand at driving it, but also suggested trying to drive it on the beach.  I know...RIGHT!?!?!?!  HOW AMAZING IS THAT!!!

first things first...check your hair in the mirror for upcoming pictures.  You have to have your priorities in order when your accomplishing a childhood dream.

Step 2: Establish a death grip on the steering wheel and wonder why in the world your friend is letting you drive his brand new Jeep.  Doesn't he know you have no idea how to drive this thing?  What if you flip it trying to drive it up that (what seemed like in the moment) gigantic hill?  Or what if it gets stuck in all this sand?  Or what happens if you make a turn too sharp and steer this thing straight into the ocean?  They don't float...right?

Step 3:  Deep Breath...just put on the aviators and embrace it.  I could get used to this.  And three minutes in and I was driving like a pro if I do say so myself. 
Here here sixteen year old Caitlin...this one's for you.



1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! Fun! (And I'll admit it, I'm a little jealous)! :D
