Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Happieness Is Cuddling With a Couch Full of Sleeping Puppies

Today was one of those days were few things go right.  Not to the point where it's considered a bad day, but just so that at the end of the day when your soda explodes all over you and you stand dripping in the kitchen, you think to yourself, "That sounds about right."

It all started as I overestimated my ability to drink coffee.  Next time I'll have to remember that one doughnut is not enough to absorb the caffeine in 4 cups of coffee, no matter how tired you are.  If attempted, it will result in hours of uncontrollable hand tremors. 

The day really went downhill from there.  By the end, I had tripped and fallen flat on my face (not at all caused by my over consumption of caffeine I'm sure), been peed on by a sweet little puppy, managed to run a consistent 10 minutes behind all day, and then, there was the exploding soda incident to top it all off. 

But...there is one thing that I'm convinced can redeem any day. 

A couch full of sleeping puppies snuggled up under a blanket.  If you can't tell, that is my, "Just kill me now because life can't get much better than this" face.
There may have also been chocolate chip cookies involved in this moment, contributing to the coma like state I seem to be deeply immersed in.

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