Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Cookie Baking at 6 am

6 am

        as in 6 in the morning

              as in, it's still dark outside

I work in full-time college ministry.  Very rarely, if ever, do I see 6 am on a clock.  And I'm VERY ok with that.  But there I was, yesterday morning, wide awake, laying in bed, with an hour and a half until my alarm was supposed to go off. 

If this was any other year, I would roll over and do everything in my power to will myself back to sleep.  But this isn't any other year.  This is the Year Of Do.  This is the year I actually accomplish things, work towards goals, and in general become a more productive person. 

So instead of rightfully claiming my extra hour and a half of blissful sleep, I rolled out of bed.  I walked (stumbled) down the stairs, and I did what any sane person would do at six in the morning. I baked cookies. 

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies to be exact.  With the help of a very strong cup of coffee, I was ready to go, cookies in hand, to our 9am staff meeting that morning.  Productive and delicious.  I should wake up at six more often.  Or...maybe just bake the night before.  We are calling this foray into early morning baking a Year of Do success!

1 comment:

  1. First off, love that you're baking at 6 am. Makes my little baking heart happy.

    Secondly, love that you used the word "foray" in your blog. Admittedly, I had to look that one up. Kudos for good wordage. Will add to vocabulary.

    Thirdly, I miss you and love you friend! And am slightly jealous that your job allows you to not see 6 am on a regular basis...I clearly chose the wrong career path! Darn nursing!
